1. D. B. Gel'fgat and V. A. Oshnokov, Truck Chasses [in Russian], Mashgiz, 1959.
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3. S. N. Kan and I, A. Sverdlov, Stress Analysis of Aircraft [in Russian], Oborongiz, 1940.
4. M. M. Kobrin and L. M. Lel'chuk, ?Determination of fatigue life of truck chassis on a test bed?, Automobil'naya promyshiennost, no. 1, 1963.
5. M. M. Kobrin and L. M. Lel'chuk, ?Increasing the accuracy in calculating the loads in tractor-trailer chassis and other structures on the basis of distribution curves of operational failures?, collection: Proceedings of the All-Union Science-Technology Conference-Problems of Mechanical Fatigue [in Russian], Moscow, 1965.