1. Virilio, P. (2005). Negative Horizon: An Essay in Dromoscopy. Trans. Michael Degener p. 118. New York: Continuum.
2. Passas, N. (2007a). Corruption in the Procurement Process and Outsourcing Government Functions: Issues, Cases, Case Studies, Implications. Boston: Report Prepared for the Institute of Fraud Prevention, Report to Institute for Northeastern University February , passim [hereafter, Passas].
3. Passas, N. (2007b). Corruption in the Procurement Process/Outsourcing Government Functions. Report to the Institute for Fraud Prevention. Boston: Shortened version prepared by W. Black. Northeastern University February, 2 [hereafter, Passas and Black].
4. Suskind, R. (2005). Without a Doubt’, New York Times, 17 October, 2004. This brings to mind the words of Celine: For the time being only the facts count and even this for not much longer.’ Cited in Paul Virilio, Desert Screen: War at the Speed of Light. Trans. Michael Degener p. 49. New York: Continuum.
5. Harvey, D. (2006). Spaces of Global Capitalism pp. 119–48. London: Verso.