Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden
Reference88 articles.
1. Alvesson, Mats. 1990. Organization: from substance to image? Organization Studies 11(3): 373–394.
2. Alvesson, Mats. 1995. The meaning and meaninglessness of postmodernism: Some ironic remarks. Organization Studies 16(6): 1047–1075.
3. Alvesson, Mats, und Stanley Deetz. 1996. Critical theory and postmodern approaches in organization studies. In Handbook of organization studies, Hrsg. Stewart R. Clegg, Cynthia Hardy und Walter R. Nord, 191–217. London: Sage.
4. Alvesson, Mats, und Dan Karreman. 2000. Varieties of discourse: On the study of organizations through discourse analysis. Human Relations 53(9): 1125–1149.
5. Alvesson, Mats, und Hugh Willmott. 1992. On the idea of emancipation in management and organization studies. Academy of Management Review 17(3): 432–464.