1. Goetz A.:An Instrument for the Quantitative Separation and Size-Classification of Air-borne Particulate Matter Down to 0.2 Microns, Geofisica pura e applicata, 36, 49–69, 1957.
2. Geotz A., Stevenson H. J. R. &Preining O.:The Design and Performance of the Aerosol Spectrometer, APCA Journal, 10, 378–383, 414, 416, 1960.
3. Goetz A. & Preining O.:The Aerosol Spectrometer and its Application to Nuclear Condensation Studies, American Geophysical Union, Physics of Precipitation, Geophysical Monograph No. 5, NAS-NRC No. 746, 164–182, 1960.
4. Junge C.:Atmospheric Chemistry in «Advances in Geophysics», Acad. Press Inc., N. Y., 4, 1–108, 1958.
5. Georgii H. W.:Probleme und Stand der Erforschung des atmosphärischen Aerosols, Berichte des Deutschen Vetterdienstes No. 51, 1985. (A comprehensive bibliography of aerosol literature).