1. Othmar Preining: An Austrian Pioneer of Modern Aerosol Research (1927–2007)


Horvath Helmuth


RTI Press

Reference172 articles.

1. Abed-Navandi, M., Berner, A., & Preining, O. (1976). The cylindrical aerosol centrifuge. In B. Y. H. Liu (Ed.), Fine particles, aerosol generation, measurement, sampling, and analysis (pp. 447-464). New York, NY: Academic Press.

2. Ankilov, A., Baklanov, A., Colhoun, M., Enderle, K.-H., Gras, J., Julanov, Y., Kaller, D., Lindner, A., Lushnikov, A. A., Mavliev, R., McGovern, F., O'Connor, T. C., Podzimek, J., Preining, O., Reischl, G. P., Rudolf, R., Sem, G. J., Szymanski, W. W., Vrtala, A. E., Wagner, P. E., Winklmayr, W., & Zagaynov, V. (2002a). Particle size dependent response of aerosol counters. Atmospheric Research, 62(3-4), 209-237.

3. Ankilov, A., Baklanov, A., Colhoun, M., Enderle, K.-H., Gras, J., Julanov, Y., Kaller, D., Lindner, A., Lushnikov, A. A., Mavliev, R., McGovern, F., Mirme, A., O'Connor, T. C., Podzimek, J., Preining, O., Reischl, G. P., Rudolf, R., Sem, G. J., Szymanski, W. W., Tamm, E., Vrtala, A. E., Wagner, P. E., Winklmayr, W., & Zagaynov, V. (2002b). Intercomparison of number concentration measurements by various aerosol particle counters. Atmospheric Research, 62(3-4), 177-207.

4. Berner, A., & Preining, O. (1964). Über eine neue Eichung des Casella-Kaskadenimpaktors. Staub Reinhaltung der Luft, 24, 292-295.

5. Berner, A., & Preining, O. (1984). A low pressure cascade impactor for aerosol sampling at high temperatures. In S. Masuda (Ed.), Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Electrostatic Precipitation, Kyoto, Japan (pp. 990-994). Pittsburgh, PA: Air & Waste Management Association.








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