1. J. M. Blackadar, S. E. Garner, J. A. Bounds, W. H. Casson, D. J. Mercer, Evaluation of Commercial Detectors, Proc. INMM 44Fth Annual Meeting, Phoenix, 2003 (CD-ROM).
2. D. Miko, R. J. Estep, M. W. Rawool-Sullivan, Nucl. Instr. Meth., A422 (1999) 433.
3. R. J. Estep, M. W. Brener, M. E. Martinez, W. S. Murray, B. A. Sapp, Fixed-Point Integer Implementations of Selected Solvers for Constrained Response Function Fitting, Proc. 7th Intern. Conf. on Facility Operations-Safeguards Interface, Charleston, 2004 (CD-ROM).
4. R. J. Estep, M. W. Brener, M. E. Martinez, W. S. Murray, B. A. Sapp, A Fast Non-Negative Least Squares Solver for Use in Radioisotope Identification with the Material Basis Set (MBS) Method, Proc. INMM 45th Annual Meeting, Orlando, 2004 (CDROM).
5. C. Lawson, R. Hanson, Solving Least Squares Problems, Prentice-Hall, Englewood, New Jersey, 1974.