1. R. Beichner, M. DeMarco, D. Ettestad, and E. Gleason, ?VideoGraph: A new way to study kinematics,? in Computers in Physics Instruction, E. Redish and J. Risley (Ed.), Raleigh, NC: Addison-Wesley, pp. 244?245, 1989.
2. Personal communication with Mark Luetzelschwab, Dickinson College, June 14, 1994.
3. Personal communication with Jack Wilson, Rennsalaer Polytechnical Institute, September 12, 1994.
4. R. Beichner, ?The Effect of Simultaneous Motion Presentation and Graph Generation in a Kinematics Lab,? Journal of Research in Science Teaching, Vol. 27, pp. 803?815, 1990.
5. R. Beichner, ?Testing student interpretation of kinematics graphs,? American Journal of Physics, Vol 62, pp. 750?762, 1995.