1. Allen, W. H., & Weintraub, R. The motion variables in film presentations: Final report. University of Southern California, 1968. (Results also reported inAV Communication Review, 1970,18 (1), 118.)
2. Alper, T., Thoresen, C. E., & Wright, J. The use of film-mediated modeling and feedback to change a teacher’s classroom responses. R & D Memorandum #91. Stanford University, School of Education, August 1972.
3. Asher, W., & Vockell, E. Information quality and educational decision making. West Lafayette, Ind.: Purdue Research Foundation, February 1973. ERIC ED 086 214.
4. Baker, R., & Shutz, R. (Eds.)Instructional product research. American Book Company, 1972.
5. Ball, S., & Bogatz, G. A.The first year of Sesame Street: An evaluation. Princeton: Educational Testing Service, 1970.