1. W. A. Backofen, I. R. Turner, andD. H. Avery,Trans. ASM Quart. 57 (1964) 980.
2. D. H. Avery, andW. A. Backofen,ibid 58 (1965) 551.
3. D. H. Avery andJ. M. Stuart, ?Surfaces and Interfaces II? ed. J. J. Burke, N. L. Reed, and V. Weiss (Syracuse U. Press NY, 1968) p. 371.
4. S. D. Dahlgren,Trans. Met. Soc. AIME 242 (1968) 126.
5. D. Lee andW. A. Backofen,Trans. AIME 239 (1967) 1034.