1. Canfield, S. L., and Reinholtz, C. F., 1995, “Development of an All-Revolute-Jointed Constant-Velocity Coupling,” Journal of Applied Mechanisms & Robotics, Vol. 2, No. 3, July, pp. 13–19.
2. Canfield, S. L., Salerno, R. J., and Reinholtz, C. F., 1995, “Design of an All-Revolute, Linkage-Type, Constant-Velocity Coupling,” SAE International Off-Highway & Powerplant Congress & Exposition, September 11–13, 1995, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, ISSN 0148-7191, Paper no. 952133.
3. Canfield, S. L., 1997, “Development of the Carpal Robotic Wrist,” Ph.D. Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Blacksburg, VA.
4. Canfield, S. L., Ganino, A. J., Salerno, R. J., and Reinholtz, C. F., 1996, “Singularity and Dexterity Analysis of the Carpal Wrist,” Proceedings of the 1996 ASME Design Engineering Technical Conferences, Irvine, CA, August 18–21, 96-DETC/MECH-1156.
5. Canfield, S. L., Soper, R. R., and Reinholtz, C. F., 1997, “Uniformity as the Guide to Evaluation of Dexterous Manipulator Workspaces,” 1997 ASME Design Automation Conference, Sacramento, CA, September 15–20, DETC97/DAC-3969.