1. See, for instance:W. E. Thikring:Principles of Quantum Electrodynamics (New York 1958).
2. A. S. Wightman:La Théorie Quantique Locale et la Théorie Quantique des Chiamps, Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, to appear.
3. See:A. S. Wightman andL. G-åeding:Fields as Operator-Valued Distributions, preprint, Princeton University.
4. Stated asTheorem 4-3, p. 139, in:R. P. Steeatee andA. S. Wightman:POT, Spin and Statistics, and All That (New York, Amsterdam, 1964), where other references are given.
5. D. Ruelle:Helv. Phys. Aeta,35, 147 (1962).