1. I. Cottrell and P. Kovacs, Alginates in “Handbook of Water-Soluble Gums and Resins” edited by Davidson R.24-1 to 24-2.
2. A. Haug, Composition and Properties of Alginates. Report No. 30, Norwegian Institute Seaweed Research.
3. R. L. Whistler and J. N. bemiller, in “Polysaccharides and their Derivatives,” 3rd Ed
4. Amalgamated Dental Company, “Improvements in or Relating Materials for Taking Impressions for Dental or Other Purposes,” British Patent 518,596 (1940).
5. S. W. Wilding, “Material for Taking Impressions for Dental or Other Applications,” US Patent 2,249,694 (1941).