Peritoneal mesometrial resection with lymphadenectomy following prior hysterectomy in intermediate/high-risk endometrial cancer: feasibility and safety


Buderath PaulORCID,Elgharib MohamedORCID,Kimmig RainerORCID


Abstract Objective Peritoneal mesometrial resection (PMMR) plus targeted compartmental lymphadenectomy (TCL) aims at removal of the locoregional cancer field in endometrial cancer (EC). Optimal locoregional control without adjuvant radiotherapy should be achieved concomitantly sparing systematic lymphadenectomy (LNE) for most of the patients. However, intermediate/high-risk EC is often definitely diagnosed postoperatively in simple hysterectomy specimen. Our aim was to evaluate feasibility and safety of a completing PMMR + TCL in patients following prior hysterectomy. Methods We evaluated data from 32 patients with intermediate/high-risk EC treated with PMMR + TCL or systematic pelvic and periaortic LNE following prior hysterectomy. Perioperative data on disease characteristics and morbidity were collected and patients were contacted for follow-up to determine the recurrence and survival status. Results We report data from 32 patients with a mean follow-up of 31.7 months. The recurrence rate was 12.5% (4/32) without any isolated locoregional recurrences. Only 21.9% of patients received adjuvant radiotherapy. Rates of intra- and postoperative complications were 6.3% and 18.8%, respectively. Conclusion Our data suggest that robotic PMMR can be performed following prior hysterectomy when previously unknown risk factors arise, albeit with a moderate increase in morbidity. Moreover, despite a relevant reduction of adjuvant radiotherapy, follow-up data suggest an excellent locoregional control even without adjuvant radiotherapy.


Universitätsklinikum Essen


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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