1. Patureau de Mirand A, Bahu J-M, Louaas E Ariane Next, a vision for a reusable cost efficient European rocket. In: 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, 1–4 July 2019, Madrid, Spain
2. Stappert S, Wilken J, Bussler L, Sippel M, Karl S, Klevanski J, Hantz C, Krause D, Böhrk H, Evrim-Briese L European next reusable ariane (ENTRAIN): a multidisciplinary study on a VTVL and a VTHL Booster Stage, 70th Internactional Astronautical Congress, 21–25 October 2019, Washington D.C., USA
3. Dumke M, Theil S Auto-Coded Flight Software for the GNC VTVL Demonstrator EAGLE. In: 8th European conference for aeronautics and space sciences, 1–4 July 2019, Madrid, Spain
4. Rmili B, Monchaux D, Bosineau O, Hassin J, Querry S, Besson S, Poirey G, Boré R, Hamada I, Amrouchi H, Franc J, Barreau M, Mercadié N, Labois T, Grinco D FROG, a Rocket for GNC demonstrations: Firsts flights attempts of the FROG turbojet version and preparation of the future mono-propellant rocket engine. In: 8th European Conference for Aeronautics and Space Sciences, 1–4 July 2019, Madrid, Spain
5. Neculaescu A-M, Marin A, Toader A, Persinaru A-G, Cismilianu A-M, Tudose M, Munteanu C-E, Popescu I, Strauch H, Dussy S System Identification and Testing for a VTVL vehicle.In: 8th European conference for aeronautics and space sciences, 1–4 July 2019, Madrid, Spain