1. Arnone, A, Poli, F., and Shipani, C., 2003, A Method to Assess Flutter Stability of Complex Modes, Accepted for Presentation at the 10 th ISUAAAT, Duke University, September 2003
2. Chernycheva, O. V., Fransson, T. H., Kielb, R. E., and Barter, J., 2001, “Comparative analysis of blade mode shape influence on flutter of two-dimensional turbine blades”, ISABE-2001-1243, XVISOABE conference, September 2–7, Bangalore, India
3. Kielb, R. E., and Barter, J., Chernycheva, O. V., and Fransson, T. H., 2003, “Flutter of Low Pressure Turbine Blades with Cyclic Symmetric Modes – A Preliminary Design Method”, presented at ASME Turbo Expo 2003, June 2003, Atlanta, Georgia, accepted for publication in the ASME Journal of Turbomachinery.
4. Panovsky J., and Kielb R. E., 1998, “A Design Method to Prevent Low Pressure Turbine Blade Flutter”, 98-GT-575, ASME Gas Turbine Conference and Exhibition, Stockholm, Sweden