1. M. A. Rudyk, V. A. Palyunas, and P. E. Lysenko, On the design of plane high head, deep gates, Izv. AS i ASSR No. 4 (1962).
2. A. S. Abelev, “Investigation of pulsation of hydrodynamic loads acting on gates of hydroaulic structures and development of some practical means of combating gate vibration”, Trudy Koordinatsionnykh Soveshchanii po Gidravlike, No. 7. Gosénergoizdat (1963).
3. A. S. Abelev, “Relationship between pressure pulsation at individual points of a gate and pulsation of the entire hydrodynamic load acting on the gate”. Izv. VNIIG.69 (1963).
4. A. S. Abelev, “Determination of pulsation of the total hydrodynamic load acting on plane deep gates”, Izv. VNIIG,68 (1961).
5. V. I. Petrashen’, “On vibration and frequencies of free fluctuations of hydraulic gates”, Izv. VNIIG,70 (1962).