1. G. A. Russo (editor), Hydroelectric Stations of the Volga and Kama Sequences [in Russian], Gosénergoizdat (1960).
2. A. V. Mikhailov, “The Volga-Kama sequence of hydrocomplexes,” Gidrotekh. Stroitel', No. 6 (1967).
3. A. V. Mikhailov (editor), Technical Record and Design and Construction of the XXII Congress KPSS Volga HES [in Russian], Izd-vo “Énergiya” (1965).
4. A. V. Mikhailov and I. S. Kharitonov, “The Stalingrad hydroelectrical station,” Gidrotekh. Stroitel', No. 1 (1959).
5. A. V. Mikhailov, “Some design and construction decisions concerning the hydrotechnical structures of the Stalingrad hydrocomplex,” No. 8 (1961).