1. Volga and Kama Sequences of Hydroelectric Power Stations [in Russian], Edited by G. A. Russo, Gosénergoizdat (1960).
2. Technical Report on the Construction of the Moscow-Volga Canal [in Russian], Gosstroiizdat (1940–1941).
3. N. A. Malyshev, N. V. Razin, and G. A. Russo, The V. I. Lenin Volga Hydroelectric Power Station [in Russian], Gosstroiizdat (1960).
4. A. V. Mikhailov, A. Ya. Kuznetsov, and Yu. P. Abramov, Construction of the Volga 22nd Congress of the CPSU Hydroelectric Power Station [in Russian], Izd. Énergiya (1964).
5. K. V. Sevenard, The Gor’kii Hydropower Plant is Operating at Full Capacity, Gidrotekhnicheskoe Stroitel’stvo, 3 (1957).