1. A.D. Alexandrov. On the theory of mixed volumes II. Mat Sbornik, 44 (1937), 1205–1238. (Russian. Translated in [Ale96]).
2. A.D. Alexandrov. On the theory of mixed volumes IV. Mat Sbornik, (2)3 (1938), 227–249. (Russian. Translated in [Ale96]).
3. A.D. Alexandrov. Selected Works. Part I. Classics of Soviet Mathematics, Vol. 4. Gordon and Breach Publishers, Amsterdam. Selected Scientific Papers, Translated from the Russian by P.S.V. Naidu, Edited and with a preface by Yu.G. Reshetnyak and S.S. Kutateladze (1996).
4. A.D. Alexandrov. Convex Polyhedra. Springer Monographs in Mathematics. Springer-Verlag, Berlin. Translated from the 1950 Russian edition by N.S. Dairbekov, S.S. Kutateladze and A.B. Sossinsky, With comments and bibliography by V.A. Zalgaller and appendices by L.A. Shor and Yu.A. Volkov (2005).
5. L. Andersson, T. Barbot, R. Benedetti, F. Bonsante, W.M. Goldman, F. Labourie, K.P. Scannell, and J.-M. Schlenker. Notes on: “Lorentz spacetimes of constant curvature” [Geometriae Dedicata 126 (2007), 3–45; mr2328921] by G. Mess. Geometriae Dedicata, 126 (2007) 47–70.