Towards the n-point one-loop superstring amplitude. Part I. Pure spinors and superfield kinematics


Mafra Carlos R.ORCID,Schlotterer Oliver


Abstract This is the first installment of a series of three papers in which we describe a method to determine higher-point correlation functions in one-loop open-superstring amplitudes from first principles. In this first part, we exploit the synergy between the co-homological features of pure-spinor superspace and the pure-spinor zero-mode integration rules of the one-loop amplitude prescription. This leads to the study of a rich variety of multiparticle superfields which are local, have covariant BRST variations, and are compatible with the particularities of the pure-spinor amplitude prescription. Several objects related to these superfields, such as their non-local counterparts and the so-called BRST pseudo-invariants, are thoroughly reviewed and put into new light. Their properties will turn out to be mysteriously connected to products of one-loop worldsheet functions in packages dubbed “generalized elliptic integrands”, whose prominence will be seen in the later parts of this series of papers.


Springer Science and Business Media LLC


Nuclear and High Energy Physics

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1. Pure Spinor Formulation of the Superstring and Its Applications;Handbook of Quantum Gravity;2023-09-10

2. Tree-level amplitudes from the pure spinor superstring;Physics Reports;2023-06

3. Perfecting one-loop BCJ numerators in SYM and supergravity;Journal of High Energy Physics;2023-02-15

4. One-loop diagrams with quadratic propagators from the worldsheet;Journal of High Energy Physics;2022-08-24

5. KK-like relations of α′ corrections to disk amplitudes;Journal of High Energy Physics;2022-03







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