1. Steven M. Rubin, Turner Whitted, A 3-Dimensional Representation for Fast Rendering of Complex Scenes 1980 ACM 0-89791-021-4/80/0700-0110
2. Turner Whitted, An Improved Illumination Model for Shaded Display, Communications of the ACM, June 1980, Vol.23, No.6
3. Peter R. Atherton, A Method of Interactive Visualization of CAD Surface Models on a Color Video Display, Computer Graphics, Vol.15, No.3, August 1981
4. Roy A. Hall and Donald P. Greenberg, A Testbed for Realistic Image Synthesis, IEEE CG&A, Nov, 1983
5. John Amanatides, Ray Tracing with Cones, Computer Graphics, Vol.18, No.3, July 1983