1. Kedrov BM (ed) (1958) D. I. Mendeleev: The periodic law (in Russian, D. I. Mendeleev: Periodicheskii zakon). Izd. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Moscow
2. Wigner EP (1963) City Hall Speech—Stockholm, 1963. Reproduced in Wigner EP (1967) Symmetries and Reflections: Scientific Essays. Indiana University Press, Bloomington and London, pp 262–263
3. Newlands JAR (1884) On the Discovery of the Periodic Law, and on the Relations among the Atomic Weights. E and FN Spon, London (it is a reprint collection)
4. Hargittai B, Hargittai I (2007) Dmitri I. Mendeleev: A Centennial. Struct Chem 18:253–255
5. Hargittai I (2012) Ulf Lagerkvist and his Nobel histories. Struct Chem 23:1663–1666