1. E. GROTEN, Zur Definition astrogeodätischer Koordinatensysteme, Z. Vermessungsw. 101, 1, pp. 25–36, 1976.
2. E. LISITZIN, Sea level changes, p. 143, Elsevier, Amsterdam-Oxfort-New York, 1974.
3. R.S. MATHER, The influence of stationary sea surface topography on geodetic considerations, Proc. Symp. on Earth's Gravitational Field and Sec. Var. of Pos., pp. 585–599, edited by R.S. Mather ans P.V. Angus-Lappan, Univ. of New South Wales, 1973.
4. R.S. MATHER On the evaluation of stationary sea surface topography using geodetic techniques, Bull. Geod. No. 115, pp. 65–82, 1975.
5. W. STURGES, Discrepancy between geodetic and oceanographic levelling along continental boundaries, Proc. Symp. on Earth's Gravitational Field and Sec. Var. of Pos., pp. 565–572, edited by R.S. Mather and P.V. Angus-Lappan, Univ. of New South Wales, 1973.