1. R.S. MATHER, 1971: The Geocentric Orientation Vector for the Australian Geodetic Datum.Geophys. J. R. astr. Soc. 22, 55–81.
2. Doc X-592-73-11;R.S. Mather,1973
3. R.S. MATHER, 1973 b: The Influence of Stationary Sea Surface Topography on Geodetic Considerations. InProc. Symposium on Earth’s Gravitational Field etc., Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, 585–599.
4. R.S. MATHER, 1973 c: Quasi-Stationary Sea Surface Topography and Variations of Mean Sea Level with Time—An Interim Compendium (1973).AAS/IAG Symposium on Earth’s Gravitational Field, etc., Univ. of New South Wales, Sydney, 53 p.
5. R.S. MATHER, 1974 a: Geoid Definition for the Study of Sea Surface Topography from Satellite Altimetry.Proc. Symposium on Marine Geodesy, Columbus, Ohio. Marine Technology Society, Washington D.C. (in press).