1. Solazzi, L.: Design a scrap loader using different alloy steels, II° International Conference on Super High Strength Steel, Peschiera del Garda (Vr), Italy, October 17–20, 2010
2. Solazzi, L.: Design of an aluminium boom and arm for an excavator. J Terramech 47, 201–207 (2010)
3. Solazzi L.: Influence the design of composite material on the mechanical behaviour of the cantilever – type spring, Ninth International conference on Experimental techniques and design in composite materials, Vicenza, Italy, 30 September, 1-2 October 2009
4. Solazzi, L.: Wheel rims for industrial vehicles: comparative and experimental analyses. Int J Heavy Veh Syst 18(2), 214–225 (2011)
5. Solazzi, L.: Design of a new complete industrial trailer using different materials, XIX International conference on “Material Handling, Constructions and Logistics”, Belgrade, Serbia, 15–16 October 2009.