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3. Kanemoto, T., Kimura, S., Ohba, S. and Satoh, M.: Smart Control of Axial Flow Pump Performances by means of Counter-Rotating Type (1st report, Counter-Rotating Type and Performances), JSME Series B, vol.66, no.651, pp.2927–2933, (2000), (in Japanese).
4. Ohba, S., Kanemoto, T. and Fujimura, M.: Rotational Speed Characteristics of Counter-rotating Axial Flow Pump, Proc. 9th Asian Int. Conf. on Fluid Machinery, Jeju, AICFM9-234, pp.1–6, (2007).
5. Tanaka, D. and Kanemoto, T.: Development of Counter-Rotational Type Machine for Hydroelectric Power Generation (3rd report, Design Materials for Solidity of Axial Flow Runners), JSME Series B, vol.72,no.715, pp.686–692, (2006), (in Japanese).