1. I. Saavedra andC. Utreras:Phys. Lett. B,98, 74 (1981); see alsoB. Talukdar andK. Niyagi:Phys. Lett. B,119, 155 (1982).
2. See, for instance:J. G. Rushbrooke:A comparison of cosmic-ray physics with latest accelerator data, inProceedings of the XXI International Conference on High-Energy Physics, Paris, 26–31 July 1982 and relerences therein.
3. See for referencesE. Predazzi:Lett. Nuovo Cimento,34, 73 (1982).
4. H. I. Miettinen:Impact structure of diffraction scattering, inProceedings of the IX Rencontre de Moriond, edited byJ. Tran Thanh Van (1974).
5. J. Dias de Deus andP. Kroll: Geomatrical scaling at the PP collider, preprint of Lisbon university and private communication from P. KROLL.