1. E. GARFIELD,Science: 101 years of publication of high impact science jourmalism,Current Contents, 28 (September, 1981) No. 39, p. 5.
2. E. GARFIELD,Nature: 112 years of continuous publication of high impact research and science journalism,Current Contents, (5 October, 1981) No. 40, p. 5.
3. Journal Citation Reports 1984, Institute for Scientific Information, Philadelphia.
4. J. S. GHOSH, Unictedness of articles inNature, a multidisciplinary journal,Information Processing & Management, 11 (1976) 165.
5. D. W. KING, D. D. MCDONALD, N. K. RODERER,Scientific Journals in the United States: Their Production, Use, and Economics, Hutchinson Ross, Pennsylvania, 1981, p. 319.