1. W.F. Clocksin and C.S. Mellish,Programming in Prolog, 2nd ed. (Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1984).
2. S. Eilon, Production scheduling, in:OR'78, pp. 1–30, ed. K.B. Haley (North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1978).
3. R. Fikes and T. Kehler, The role of frame-based representation in reasoning, Comm. of the ACM 28, no. 9 (1985) 904–920.
4. E.L. Fisher and O.Z. Maimon, Integer-rule programming, presented at ORSA/TIMS conference, St. Louis, 1987.
5. M. Fox, Constraint-directed reasoning: A case study of job shop scheduling, Ph.D. thesis, Computer Science Dept., Carnegie-Mellon University, 1983.