1. Barnett, T. P.: 1968, On the Generation, Dissipation and Prediction of Ocean Wind Waves, J. Geophys. Res. 73, 513–530.
2. Barnett, T. P. and Wilkerson, J. C.: 1967, On the Generation of Wind Waves as Inferred from Airborne Radar Measurements of Fetch-Limited Spectra, J. Mar. Res. 25, 292–328.
3. Brocks, K. and Krügermeyer, L.: 1972, in A. L. Gordon (ed.), The Hydrodynamic Roughness of the Sea Surface, Studies in Physical Oceanography, Gordon and Breach, New York, 75–92. (Also Report No. 14, Inst, für Radiometeorologie, Hamburg, 1970.)
4. Darbyshire, J. and Simpson, J. H.: 1967, Numerical Prediction of Wave Spectra over the North Atlantic, Deutsche Hydrog. Z. 20, 18.
5. Davis, R. E.: 1969, On the High Reynolds Number Flow over a Wavy Boundary, J. Fluid Mech. 36, 337–346.