Common synaptic inputs and persistent inward currents of vastus lateralis motor units are reduced in older male adults


Guo Yuxiao,Jones Eleanor J.,Škarabot Jakob,Inns Thomas B.,Phillips Bethan E.,Atherton Philip J.,Piasecki MathewORCID


Abstract Although muscle atrophy may partially account for age-related strength decline, it is further influenced by alterations of neural input to muscle. Persistent inward currents (PIC) and the level of common synaptic inputs to motoneurons influence neuromuscular function. However, these have not yet been described in the aged human quadriceps. High-density surface electromyography (HDsEMG) signals were collected from the vastus lateralis of 15 young (mean ± SD, 23 ± 5 y) and 15 older (67 ± 9 y) men during submaximal sustained and 20-s ramped contractions. HDsEMG signals were decomposed to identify individual motor unit discharges, from which PIC amplitude and intramuscular coherence were estimated. Older participants produced significantly lower knee extensor torque (p < 0.001) and poorer force tracking ability (p < 0.001) than young. Older participants also had lower PIC amplitude (p = 0.001) and coherence estimates in the alpha frequency band (p < 0.001) during ramp contractions when compared to young. Persistent inward currents and common synaptic inputs are lower in the vastus lateralis of older males when compared to young. These data highlight altered neural input to the clinically and functionally important quadriceps, further underpinning age-related loss of function which may occur independently of the loss of muscle mass.


Medical Research Council

Versus Arthritis Foundation Fellowship


Springer Science and Business Media LLC

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