1. Cf. Klaus Eßer, Jürgen Wiemann: Key Countries in the Third World—Implications for Relations between the Federal Republic of Germany and the South, Berlin 1981.
2. OECD: The Impact of the Newly Industrialising Countries on Production and Trade in Manufactures, Paris 1979; Government Economic Service Working Paper: The Newly Industrialising Countries and the Adjustment Problem, Vol. 18, London 1979.
3. Cf. e. g. J. Tinbergen et al. (eds.): Reshaping the International Order. A Report to the Club of Rome, New York 1976; OECD: Interfutures, Facing the Future, Paris 1979; IMF: World Economic Outlook, Washington 1980; World Bank: World Development Report 1980, Washington 1980; Report of the Independent Commission on International Development Issues under the Chairmanship of Willy Brandt: North-South: A Programme for Survival, London, Sydney 1980; G. O. Barney et al.: The Global 2000 Report to the President. Entering the Twenty-First Century, 2 Vols., Washington 1980.
4. Cf. e. g. Richard Jolly: Redistribution with Growth: Some Country Experience, in: Hollis Chenery et al.: Redistribution with Growth, Oxford University Press, Theiford, Norfolk, 1974, pp. 253–290.
5. Cf. “Le Monde”, March 21, 1979, p. 21.