1. K. B. Taylor, Three Circles with Collinear Centers,American Mathematical Monthly,90 (1983), 486–487.
2. E. Artin,Geometric Algebra, Interscience, New York, 1957.
3. F. Bachmann and K. Reidemeister, Die Metrishe Form in der Absoluten und der Elliptischen Geometrie,Mathematische Annalen,29 (1937), 748–765.
4. S. C. Chou, Proving Elementary Geometry Theorems Using Wu's Algorithm, inAutomated Theorem Proving: After 25 years, Ed. by W. W. Bledsoe and D. Loveland, AMS Contemporary Mathematics Series, Vol. 29, American Mathematical Society, Providence, RI, 1984, pp. 243–286.
5. S. C. Chou, Proving and Discovering Theorems in Elementary Geometries Using Wu's Method, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin, 1985.