1. Antoniades, N. 2018. Promotion as a Key Driver of Political Competitiveness. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Innovative Research & Development (IJIIRD) ISSN: 2456-236X Vol. 02 Issue 02 | 2018
2. Antoniades, N. 2019a. Political Marketing and Social Media: Learning, Adapting, and Innovating. Accepted for presentation at the Fourth International Conference on Communication & Media Studies. The Future of Democracy in the Digital Age. University of Bonn, Germany 26-28 September 2019.
3. Antoniades, N. 2019b. Packaging Government Ideas to Achieve Citizen Satisfaction and Loyalty: Creating, Informing, and Supporting. Presented at the 7th International Conference on Management and Education Innovation (ICMEI 2019), March 30-April 01, 2019, University of Greenwich, London, UK. Accepted for publication at the Journal of Economics, Business and Management (JOEBM, ISSN: 2301-3567,
4. Antoniades, N., & Haan, P. 2018. Facilitating Political Performance in the USA. Economics Bulletin. Vol., 38(4), 1762–1768.
5. Antoniades, N., & Haan, P. 2019. Government Capabilities as Drivers of Performance: Path to Prosperity. Heliyon. Volume 5, Issue 2.