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2. S.M. Dobosz, P. Jelinek, and K. Major-Gabryś, Development Tendencies of Moulding and Core Sands, China Foundry, 2011, 8(4), p 438–446
3. J. Tybulczuk, Forsight Technologiczny Odlewnictwa Polskiego (Technological Forsight of Polish Foundry), (Foundry Research Institute, Krakow, 2009) ISBN: 978-83-88770-42-5 (in Polish)
4. I.A. Bacanu, Nowoczesne technologie Hüttenes-Albertus: Spojrzenie na przyszłość technologii w światowym odlewnictwie (Modern Technologies of Hüttenes-Albertus: A Look at the Future of Technology in Global Foundry), in: 4th Conference Hüttenes-Albertus Poland, on CD-ROM, August 28-30 (Iława, Poland, 2014) (in Polish)
5. M. Holtzer, Technologie mas formierskich i rdzeniowych a ochrona środowiska (Technologies of molding and core sands in the aspect of environmental protection), in: 3rd Conference Hüttenes-Albertus Poland, May 20-22 (Zakopane, Poland, 2012), p 19–40 (in Polish)