1. Department of Health and Human Services, FDA (2003) Food labeling: trans fatty acids in nutrition labeling; nutrient content claims, and health claims; final rule. Federal Register 68(133):41434–41506
2. Schrimpf-Moss J, Wilkening V (2005) In: Kodali DR, List GR (eds) Trans fats alternatives. AOCS Press, Champaign, IL, pp 26–33
3. Health Canada (2003) Regulations amending the food and drug regulations (nutritional labeling, nutrient content claims and health claims). Canada Gazette 137(Pt II):154–409
4. AOCS (1999) Official method Ce 1h-05. In: Firestone D (ed) Official methods and recommended practices of the AOCS, 5th edn. AOCS, Champaign, IL
5. AOCS (1999) Official method 991.39. In: Firestone D (ed) Official methods and recommended practices of the AOCS, 5th edn. AOCS, Champaign, IL