1. Barrett, J.A.: The Quantum Mechanics of Minds and Worlds. Oxford University Press, Oxford (1999)
2. Bell, J.S.: On the hypothesis that the Schrödinger equation is exact. TH-1424-CERN, October 27, 1971. Contribution to the International Colloquium on Issues in Contemporary Physics and Philosophy of Science, and their Relevance for our Society, Penn State University, September 6–18, 1971
3. Bell, J.S.: The measurement theory of Everett and de Broglie’s pilot wave. In Quantum Mechanics, Determinism, Causality, and Particles, (ed.) M. Flato et al. Dordrecht-Holland, D. Reidel. pp. 11–17, 1976
4. Bell, J.S.: On the hypothesis that the Schrödinger equation is exact. Epistemological Letters, July 1978. pp. 1–28. Note that the title of this paper is “On the hypothesis that the Schrödinger equation is correct” in the table of contents, 1978
5. Bell, J.S.: Quantum mechanics for cosmologists. In: Isham, C., Penrose, R., Sciama, D. (eds.) Quantum Gravity 2, pp. 611–637. Clarendon Press, Oxford (1981)