1. Everett,H., Revs. Modern Phys.
29 (1957), 454
2. see also Wheeler, J. A., Revs. Modern Phys.
29 (1957), 463.
3. See for example: de Witt, B. S. and others in Physics Today 23 (1970), No. 9, 30 and 24, No. 4, 36 (1971) and references therein. Ideas like those of Everett have also been set out by Cooper, L. N. and van Vechten, D., American J. Phys. 37 (1969), 1212 and by L. N. Cooper in his contribution to the Trieste symposium in honour of P. A. M. Dirac, September 1972.
4. For a systematic exposition see: de Broglie, L., ‘Tentative d’Interprétation Causale et Non-linéaire de la Mécani que Ondulatoire’, Gauthier-Villars, Paris, 1956.
5. Bohm, D., Phys. Rev.
85 (1952), 166, 180.