1. V. N. Svechnikov and A. Ts. Spektor, in: Phase Transformations [in Russian], Naukov a Dumka, Kiev (1967), p. 123.
2. P. B. Budberg, S. P. Alisova, and R. S. Musaev, Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Metally, No. 3, 222 (1968).
3. A. Ts. Spektor, Diagram of Phase Equilibria of the System Fe-Cr-Zr, Dissertation, Kiev (1963).
4. E. Gebhardt, J. Rexer, and G. Petrow, Z. Metallk.,58, No. 8, 53 (1967).
5. V. N. Svechnikov and A. Ts. Spektor, in: Phase Transformations [in Russian], Naukova Dumka, Kiev (1968), p. 64.