1. Eremenko, V.N., Prima, S.B., Tretyachenko, L.A., “Isothermal Section of the Mo-Zr-Cr System at 1150°C”, Russ. Metall., (Engl. Trans.), (5), 153–155 (1970) (Experimental, Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, *, 8)
2. Eremenko, V.N., Prima, S.B., Tretyachenko, L.A., Koruzhaya, V.G., “Isothermal Section of the Mo-Zr-Cr System at 1500°C”, Sov. Powder Metall., Met. Ceram., (98), 148–150 (1971) (Experimental, Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, *, 5)
3. Eremenko, V.N., Prima, S.B., Tretyachenko, L.A., “Reaction of ZrCr2 with ZrV2 and ZrMo2”, Sov. Powder Metall, Met. Ceram. (Engl. Transl.), 1(121), 54–56 (1973) (Experimental, Phase Relations, 11)
4. Eremenko, V.N., Prima, S.B., Tretyachenko, L.A., “Phase Diagram of the Ternary System Mo-Zr-Cr” (in Russian), Dop. Akad. Nauk Ukrain. RSR, (6), 554–558 (1973) (Experimental, Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, *, 4)
5. Eremenko, V.N., Prima, S.B., Tretyachenko, L.A., “Some Regularities of the Constitution of Phase Diagrams of Ternary Systems of Zirconium with Transition Metals of the V-VII Groups” (in Russian), Obshch. Zakonomern. Str. Diagramm Sost. Met. Sist., 52–55 (1973) (Review, Phase Diagram, Phase Relations, 9)