1. M. Aganagic and R.W. Cottle, “OnQ-matrices”, Tech. Rep. SOL 78-9, Department of Operations Research, Stanford University (September 1978).
2. R.W. Cottle, “Some recent developments in linear complementarity theory”, in: R.W. Cottle, F. Giannessi and J.L. Lions, eds.,Variational inequalities and complementarity problems: Theory and applications (Wiley, London) to appear.
3. R.W. Cottle and G.B. Dantzig, “Complementary pivot theory of mathematical programming”,Linear Algebra and Its Applications 1 (1968) 103–125.
4. R.W. Cottle and R. von Randow, “OnQ-matrices, centroids, and simplotopes”, Tech. Rep. 79-10, Department of Operations Research, Stanford University (June 1979).
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