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3. Okuizumi, N., Satou, Y., Mori, O., Sakamoto, H., Furuya, H. Investigation of the deformation and stiffness of spinning solar sail membrane of IKAROS. In: Proceedings of the 4th AIAA Spacecraft Structures Conference, 2017: AIAA 2017-1113.
4. Satou, Y., Mori, O., Okuizumi, N., Shirasawa, Y., Furuya, H., Sakamoto, H. Deformation properties of solar sail IKAROS membrane with nonlinear finite element analyses. In: Proceedings of the 2nd AIAA Spacecraft Structures Conference, 2015: AIAA 2015-0436.
5. Tsuda, Y., Mori, O., Funase, R., Sawada, H., Yamamoto, T., Saiki, T., Endo, T., Yonekura, K., Hoshino, H., Kawaguchi, J. Achievement of IKAROS— Japanese deep space solar sail demonstration mission. Acta Astronautica, 2013, 82(2): 183–188.