1. Mathar, J., “Determination of Initial Stresses by Measuring the Deformation Around Drilled Holes,” Trans. ASME,56 (1934).
2. Rendler, N.J. and Vigness, I., “Hole-drilling strain-gage Method of Measuring Residual Stresses,” Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of SESA at Detroit, MI (May 1966).
3. Bush, A.J. and Kromer, F.J., “Simplification of the Hole-Drilling Method Residual Stress Measurement,” 27th Annual ISA Conference Paper, New York, NY (Oct, 9–12, 1973).
4. Beaney, E.M., “Accurate Measurement of Residual Stress on Any Steel Using the Center Hole Method,” CEGB Report RD/B/N3568 (Dec. 1975).
5. Vaughn, R.L. and Krueck, R.T., “Recent Developments in Ultra-High Speed Machining,” Tool Engineer (April 1960).