1. H. Schardin, ?Velocity Effects in Fracture?, J. Wiley and Son (1959) 297.
2. P. Manogg, ?Anwendung der Schattenoptik zur Untersuchung des Zerreissvorgangs von Platten?, Dissertation 4/64, Universitaet Freiburg (1964).
3. P.S. Theocaris, ?Developments in Stress Analysis I?, edited by G. Holister, (1979) Chap. 2, 27. P.S. Theocaris, ?Mechanics of Fracture? edited by G. Sih, Vol. VII, (1979) (in print).
4. F. Katsamanis, D. Raftopoulos and P.S. Theocaris, Experimental Mechanics, 17 (1977) 128.
5. P.S. Theocaris and F. Katsamanis, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 10 (1978) 197.