1. Defect Recognition and Image Processing in III-V Compounds, ed. by J. P. Fillard (Elsevier, New York, 1985).
2. R. T. Blunt inSemi-Insulating III-V Materials, Evian, 1982 ed. by S. Makram-Ebeid and B. Tuck (Shiva, Nantwich, 1982) p. 107. Also, in unpublished work, Dr. Blunt has independently applied some of the same ideas presented in this paper.
3. R. T. Blunt, S. Clark, and D. J. Stirland, IEEE Trans. Electron DevicesED-29, 1038 (1982).
4. K. Kitahara and M. Ozeki, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys.23,1655 (1984).
5. F. C. Wang and M. Bujatti, IEEE Electron Device Lett.EDL-5, 188 (1984).