1. Ashenfelter, Orley, and Ronald Ehrenberg, “The Demand for Labor in the Public Sector,” inLabor in the Public and Non-Profit Sectors, ed. Daniel S.Hamermesh (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976): 55–78.
2. Berry, John M., and Art Pine, “19 Years of Job Programs — Question Still is ‘What Works’,”Washington Post, April 24, 1979, p. El.
3. Bovard, James, “Busy Doing Nothing: The Story of Government Job Creation,”Policy Review 24 (Spring 1983): 87–102. Dewar, Helen, “Labor Dept. Overhauling Jobs Program,”Washington Post, February 2, 1979,p. A4.
4. Ehrenberg, Ronald, “The Demand for State and Local Government Employees,”American Economic Review 63 (June 1973): 366–79.
5. Gramlich, Edward H., “The Effect of Federal Grants on State and Local Expenditures: A Review of the Econometric Literature,” National Tax Association,Proceedings of the Sixty-second Conference on Taxation (1969): 49–63.