1. Joseph E. Finley,White Collar Union: The Story of the OPEIU and Its People (New York: Octagon Books, 1975), pp. 4–16, 64–69.
2. Ibid., p. 90. The constitution committee of the OEIU opted for the spelling of “employe” (rather than “employee”) in the new organization’s title. In 1965, however, when “Professional” was added to the union’s name, a second “e” was adopted in the spelling of “employee.”
3. The UOPWA was expelled from the CIO in 1950 because of Communist ties and soon disintegrated. For background on the UOPWA, see David J. Saposs,Communism in American Unions (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959); Max M. Kampelman,The Communist Party vs. the CIO (New York: Arno and the New York Times, 1971), esp. pp. 96–100, 167, 169; and Walter Galenson,The CIO Challenge to the AFL (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1960), p. 60.
4. Finley,White Collar Union, p. 36.
5. Office and Professional Employees International Union (OPEIU),Proceedings, 16th Triennial Convention (June 6–9, 1983), pp. 185–90, 146, 236.