1. Caldwell, R. M. and Compton, L. E., Complementary lethal genes in wheat causing a progressive lethal necrosis of seedlings. Jour. of Heredity 34 (1943): 66–70.
2. Hadorn, E., Letalfaktoren in ihrer Bedeutung für Erbpathologie und Genphysiologie der Entwicklung. Stuttgart. 1955. 338 pp.
3. Hermsen, J. G. Th., Quantitative investigations on progressive necrosis in wheat hybrids. Euphytica 9 (1960): 141–172.
4. Hermsen, J. G. Th., Bastaard-necrose bij tarwe (Hybrid necrosis in wheat). Verslagen van Landbouwk. Onderz. nr. 68.5 (1962): 129 pp. With summary in English.
5. Lupton, F. G. H., Studies in the breeding of self-pollinating cereals. 3. Further studies in cross prediction. Euphytica 10 (1961): 209–224.