1. Reiners, R.A., and C.M. Gooding, in “Corn: Culture, Processing, Products,” Edited by G.E. Inglett, AVI Publishing Co., Westport, Conn., 1970, p. 241.
2. Hopkins, C.G., Ill. Expt. Sta. Bull. 55, 1899, p. 205. [Reprinted in “Seventy Generations of Selection for Oil and Protein in Maize,” Edited by J.W. Dudley, Crop. Science Society of America, Inc., Madison, Wis., 1974, p. 1.]
3. Dudley, J.W., R.J. Lambert, and D.E. Alexander, in “Seventy Generations of Selection for Oil and Protein in Maize,” Edited by J.W. Dudley, Crop Science Society of America, Inc., Madison, Wis., 1974, p. 181.
4. Robertson, J.A., W.H. Morrison, III, and D. Burdick, JAOCS 50:443 (1973).
5. Beadle, J.B., D.E. Just, R.E. Morgan, and R.A. Reiners, Ibid. 42:90 (1965).