1. B. Kitchenham and B. De Neumann, ?Cost Modeling Estimation.? Chapter 11,Software Reliability Handbook, Paul Rock (Ed), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990, pp. 333?376.
2. J. Turino,Design to Test?A Definitive Guide for Electronic Design Manufacture, and Service, Van Nostrand Rienhold, New York, 1990.
3. CIAS, Technology Strategies, pp. 1?15, May 1990.
4. B. Davis, ?Economic Modeling of Board Test Strategies,? Second International Workshop on the Economics of Design, Test and Manufacturing, Austin, Texas, 1993.
5. P. Williams, ?Deisng for Testability-A Survey,?IEEE Proceedings, vol. 71, pp. 98?112, Jan. 1983.